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The terms “emerging majority” and “people of color” have become popular substitutes. For example, given the changing demographic trends in the United States, the word “minority” no longer accurately reflects the four primary racial/ethnic groups. Many of the terms in this glossary have evolved over time. Furthermore, when people are talking about privilege or racism, the words they use often come with emotions and assumptions that are not spoken. For instance, people at different stages of developing an analysis tend to attach different meanings to words like discrimination, privilege and institutional racism. It is also helpful to keep in mind that the words people use to discuss power, privilege, racism and oppression hold different meanings for different people. However, it is important for groups to decide the extent to which they must have consensus and where it is okay for people to disagree. Discussing definitions can engage and support coalitions.

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Language can be used deliberately to engage and support community anti-racism coalitions and initiatives, or to inflame and divide them. In this way, the quality of dialogue and discourse on race can be enhanced. It is essential to achieve some degree of shared understanding, particularly when using the most common terms. We discovered that even the most frequently used words in any discussion on race can easily cause confusion, which leads to controversy and hostility. Indeed, universally agreed upon language on issues relating to racism is nonexistent. Words and their multiple uses reflect the tremendous diversity that characterizes our society.

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